Super Computing and Distributed Systems Camp
Catay, Santander, Colombia
August 15-22, 2010
SC-Camp is an initiative of researchers to offer to undergraduate and master students a state-of-the-art knowledge upon High Performance and Distributed Computing topics.
SC-Camp is a non-profit event, addressed to every student including those that lack of financial backup.
Taking advantage of the Internet and high speed networks available today, one can exploit high performance computing infrastructures from anywhere, even located in the middle of the nature. SC-Camp is inspired by this idea, and proposes a SuperComputing summer school in a natural environment.
SC-Camp summer school objective is to provide lectures and practical sessions upon the following topics:
SC-Camp 2010
SC-Camp 2010 is a 8 days summer school, starting on 15th August 2010, composed by 6 days of scientific sessions, 1 leisure day with an organized activity (for example, hiking or rafting) and 1 day for a parallel programming contest.
We welcome applications of undergraduate (preferable at last year) or master students from all areas of engineering and science with strong interest upon High Performance and Distributed Computing. Background in High Performance Computing along with programming skills are required. All courses and lectures will be held in English, thus a good knowledge of English language -both oral and written- is mandatory. The scientific and steering committee will evaluate the application forms based on the applicant's scientific background and their motivation letter. This year, we expect to accept between 30 and 40 students.
This year the event will take place in South America on the Andes mountains. The camp spot is next to the Villa de San Carlos de Pie de la Cuesta (for short Piedecuesta) in Colombia. This city located in Santander department is very close to the Chicamocha canion being known by its rich flora/fauna and its proximity of the historical city of Giron.
The cost to participate is $300 USD (U.S. Dollars) this fee includes: hosting, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks)* and one extra activity pass. The payments must be send to Colombia through a money broker, the transfer fee is not included in this price. We are looking for sponsors that could reduce the application cost, although nothing is certain for now, keep watching the SC-Camp website for news.
* During free time meals are not provided.
Important dates
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